Brink Flair 450/600 | 532813 | original F7 filters
Brink Flair 450/600 | 532812 | F7
Original Brink Flair filterset
This set consists of: 1 filters
The serial number of your device starts with 432xxxxxxxxx (Flair 450) of 433xxxxxxxxx (Flair 600)
Filter class: F7 - ePM1.0 - 50% - ISO 16890
Type: compact filter
Brand: Brink Climate systems
Brink no. 532812
With the purchase of these heat recovery filters you bring fresh air from the outside in. Good ventilation is important to maintain the indoor climate of the home, but also to ensure that substances, dirt, bacteria and fungi cannot build up in the ventilation system.
Regular filter changes mean significant energy savings.
The filter standard: EN799:2012 has been replaced by the filter standard: ISO16890 sinds since 1 July 2018
The filters are placed in so-called ePM categories.
This classification gives an accurate indication of which particle sizes are filtered out of the air.
PM1 stands for all types of particulate matter ('ParticulateMatter') that are smaller than 1 micron (μ = one thousandth of a millimeter):
PM1: 1μ = 0.001mm
PM2.5: 2.5μ = 0.0025mm
PM10: 10μ = 0.01mm
The 'e' for PM1 stands for 'efficiency' and indicates the efficiency of the air filter in capturing PM1.
Based on these values, the standard now divides filters into four groups that filter different dust particles:
ISOCoarse< 50% (sand, fluff, hair)
ISO ePM10 ≥ 50% (pollen, rock dust)
ISO ePM2.5 ≥ 50% (mold spores, toner dust)
ISO ePM1 (combustion particles, nanoparticles, viruses)
For questions, suggestions or special filter requests, call 0513-648364 or send an email to
The HRV filters for the Brink Flair can You easily replace and places in your HEAT EXCHANGER unit